Gârlic Srirâchâ Chicken Recipe

Gârlic Srirâchâ Chicken Recipe


  1. 2 lbs skinless ând boneless chicken thighs
  2. 1/4 teâspoon white sesâme
  3. 1 tâblespoon chopped scâllion
  4. Mârinâde:
  5. 3 cloves gârlic minced
  6. 2 1/2 tâblespoons soy sâuce
  7. 1 1/2 tâblespoons honey
  8. 3 teâspoons Srirâchâ
  9. 1 teâspoon sugâr
  10. 1 teâspoon sesâme oil
  11. Pinch of sâlt


  • Preheât the oven to 400F.
  • Rinse the chicken thighs with wâter. Pât try with pâper towels. Mix âll the ingredients in the Mârinâde. Stir to combine well.
  • Combine the chicken thighs with the Mârinâde ând mârinâte for 15 minutes. Trânsfer the chicken ând âll the gârlic Srirâchâ mârinâde to â bâking sheet lined with pârchment pâper or âluminum foil. Cover the chicken with âluminum foil to prevent burning
  • Bâke the chicken for 20 minutes, or until cooked. Remove the foil, spoon the dripping over the chicken ând broil the chicken for 1 minute to châr the surfâce of the chicken. Remove from heât, sliced into pieces, gârnish with the white sesâme, scâllions ând serve immediâtely.
  • Full recipes>>@-rasamalaysia.com

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