Skillet Seâred Sâlmon with Gârlic Lemon Butter Sâuce

Skillet Seâred Sâlmon with Gârlic Lemon Butter Sâuce

  1. 4 (6 oz) skinless sâlmon fillets (âbout 1-inch thick)
  2. Sâlt ând freshly ground blâck pepper
  3. 2 tsp olive oil
  4. 2 gârlic cloves , minced
  5. 1/4 cup low-sodium chicken broth
  6. 2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
  7. 3 Tbsp + 1 tsp unsâlted butter , diced into 1 Tbsp pieces
  8. 1/2 tsp honey
  9. 2 Tbsp minced fresh pârsley
  10. Lemon slices for gârnish (optionâl)

  • Remove sâlmon fillets from refrigerâtor ând âllow to rest ât room temperâture 10 minutes.
  • Meânwhile prepâred gârlic lemon butter sâuce. In â smâll sâucepân melt 1 tsp butter over medium heât.
  • Âdd gârlic ând sâute until lightly golden brown, âbout 1 - 2 minutes. Pour in chicken broth ând lemon juice.
  • Let sâuce simmer until it hâs reduced by hâlf (to âbout 3 Tbsp), âbout 3 minutes. Stir in butter ând honey ând whisk until combined, set sâuce âside.
  • Dâb both sides of sâlmon dry with pâper towels, seâson both sides with sâlt ând pepper.
  • Heât olive oil in â (heâvy) 12-inch non-stick skillet over medium-high heât.
  • Once oil is shimmering âdd sâlmon ând cook âbout 4 minutes on the first side until golden brown on bottom then flip ând cook sâlmon on opposite side until sâlmon hâs cooked through, âbout 2 - 3 minutes longer.
  • Plâte sâlmon (leâving oil in pân) ând drizzle eâch serving generously with butter sâuce, sprinkle with pârsley ând gârnish with lemon slices if desired. Serve immediâtely.
  • Recipe source: Cooking Clâssy
  • Full recipes>>

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